Mental Illness Housing in Richmond is in Dire Need

Mental Illness Housing in Richmond is in Dire Need

People with mental illness have disabilities that range from mild to severe. Because of this, it is difficult to find mental illness housing in Richmond that fits the needs for all involved. Many times these individuals live with their families until they reach legal, adult age. At this time, stressors in the family can increase dramatically because the individuals with the mental illness have become adults and feel like they should be in control of their own lives. Often people who have these disabilities don’t believe they are even sick and because of this they may fight help their parents are trying to get for them. When these stresses become severe, it may be best for all involved to have the person with the mental illness to not live at home but they may have nowhere to go.


What are their options?


What are the options for mental illness housing in Richmond for these individuals with varying levels of mental illness that can no longer live safely in their family home?

They may end up living on the street if they have no other options. Over half of the people who are homeless in Richmond have some sort of mental disability. Another option is they end up committing some sort of crime and end up in the criminal justice system in prison. It is sad that the largest provider of housing for the mentally ill is the criminal justice system. There are other options for mental illness housing in Richmond which is provided by organizations such as Better Stay RVA.


A Place to Call Home


This is the motto of the people at Better Stay RVA. They want anyone who is placed in mental illness housing in Richmond to feel like they have a safe, secure place to live and grow to their potential. They believe they do this because their group homes in Richmond are run with the belief that all individuals are held accountable through a person-focused curriculum. They have certain core beliefs that they run all of their homes with including the following:

  • Respect each other within the group home in Richmond.
  • Partner with local organizations so that the clients receive the highest level of care possible
  • Utilize community resources and take part in the local community
  • Focus on teaching exercise and diet which are two fundamental beliefs that Picture Perfect has of improving the health and well-being of all levels of mental illness
  • Focus on finding affordable housing for these individuals so that they can feel secure and safe in their homes which will reduce their stress which will, in turn improve their feeling of well-being

The mental illness housing in Richmond that is provided by Better Stay RVA provides an all-inclusive type of care for these individuals that allow them to live in a safe environment, teach them fundamentals to live healthy lives which they believe will improve their well-being, and help them reach their potentials as human beings.


If you are looking for additional information on Group Homes, Boarding Homes, Sober Homes, Transitional Living Homes, Care Homes or other special needs housing options in the Richmond area, please contact us at Better Stay RVA

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